Together with the Department of Neurology and Medical Psychology of the Tashkent Medical Academy and Bashkir State Medical University, an international scientific Olympiad on “Neurology” was held. One of the unique features of this Olympiad is that more than 400 students have registered there.

The opening ceremony of the Olympiad began with a greeting from Feruza Azizova, Vice-rector for Research and Innovation of the Tashkent Medical Academy.

After that, the head of the department, Professor Rakhimbayeva G.S., Professor of the Department Yakubova M.M. and Head of the Department of Internal Diseases and Clinical Psychology of BDTU, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of BDTU, Tuirin Anton Viktorovich, wished the participants of the event good luck at the Olympics.

As a result, the students who scored the most points in three stages won the main prizes. During the Olympiad, students who demonstrated their knowledge, enthusiasm and intelligence were awarded in various categories.