- Address: 100109, Tashkent sh. Farabi street 2,
- Tel.: +998 71 150-
- Fax: +998 71 150-
- E- mail: kamolamirzayeva@tma.uz
- 1987-1993 – 2-Tashkent Medical Institute (diploma), medicine
- 1993-1994 – 2-Tashkent State Medical Institute Intern at the Department of Nervous Diseases (Certificate)
- 1998-2000 – Clinical internship at the Department of neurological diseases, 2-Tashkent state medical Institute (Certificate)
- 2000-2003 – Postgraduate studies at the Department of neurological diseases, Second Tashkent state medical Institute (Diploma of candidate of medical Sciences)
- 1994-1998 – Doctor-neurologist of the 2- Tashkent State Medical Institute “Intensive Therapy”.
- 2003-2004 – Assistant of the Department of Nervous Diseases, Second Tashkent State Medical Institute
- 2004-2013 – Assistant of the Department of Nervous Diseases, Tashkent Medical Academy
- 2013 – present day Associate Professor of the Department of “Neurology and Medical Psychology” of the Tashkent Medical Academy
- 2018 – present day neurologist at multidisciplinary medical clinic «Ezgu-niyat»
Scientific activity:
- 2003 y. Defended her dissertation on “Clinical and neurophysiological features of chronic chorioependimatitis with intracranial hyper- and hypotensive syndromes, ways of correction”
Main directions of scientific activities:
- Functional and organic problems of the nervous system
- Member of the Ethics Commission of the National Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Main scientific direction:
- Cerebrovascular diseases, Inflammatory diseases, Epilepsy.
Scientific works published in the last 5 years:
- Studying the Causes of Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis at COVID-19 /Journal of education and scientific medicine 2 (4), 2023. Р.71-76
- Unraveling the genetic aspects of Parkinsonism plus: insights into disease pathogenesis andpotential therapeutic targets DASG /Scientific journal of medical science and biology 1 (1), 2023. Р.2-14
- Cytokines in the etiopathogenesis of ischemic stroke after COVID-19/SJMSB Medical Science and Biology 2, 2023. Р. 159-163
- Role of cytokines and thrombophilia genes in the etiopathogenesis of ischemic stroke after COVID-19/ SJMSB Medical Science and Biology 2, 2023. Р.155-158
- Анализ риска возникновения острого нарушения мозгового кровообращения на фоне беременности /Journal of neurology and neurosurgery research 4 (3), 2023. Р. 38-41
- Динамика качества жизни при монотерапии некоторыми противоэпилептическими препаратами: сравнительный анализ /Журнал неврологии и нейрохирургических исследований. 2022
- Comparative analysis of efficiency of some antiepileptic drugs monotherapy with the assessment of the dynamics of quality of life in patients with epilepsy/Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2021
- Confirmation of the neurovisual significance of asymptomatic transient ischemic attacks in the ischemic stroke and prognosis /International journal of stroke 15 (1_ Suppl), 2020. Р. 450-450
- Optimization of diagnostic approach to depression in patients with epilepsy and seizure disorders/ Journal of Neurology & Neuroscience, 2019. Page 50,
- The rolе and meaning of video-EEG monitoring in the diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy in women of menopausal age /Journal of Neurology & Neuroscience, 2019. Page 47
- Confirmation of the neuroimaging significance of asymptomatic transient ischemic attack (TIA) in the course and prognosis of ischemic stroke/BAA Dubai, 2019
- of some the assessment of the d of with
- Dynamics of quality of life in epilepsy patients with comparative analysis efficiency antiepileptic drugs monotherapy. Epilepsia 58, 2017. Р.164-S164
- Implication of C4d in progression of ischemic stroke on patients with lupus erythematosus/European journal of Neurology 22, 593-593
- Clinical and MRI-characteristics of drug-induced Parkinsonism in Uzbekistan /Movement disorders 31, 2016. Р289-S290
- Age and gender features of encephalopathy in lupus erythematosus / Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism 36, 2016. Р.747-747
- Olfactory loss-early non-motor symptom in Parkinson’s disease/Movement disorders 31, 2016. Р.99-S99
- Implication of CD4 for the progression of Parkinsonism in patients with lupus erythematosus/ Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 22, 2016 e126
- Медико-психологические аспекты особенностей течения остеохондроза у лиц молодого возраста/ Журнал теоретической и клинической медицины. №2. 2015 С.77-81.
Study guides and methodical recommendations:
- Динамика неврологических проявлений COVID-ассоциированного тромбоза кавернозного синуса / Methodical recommendations. Lambert Academy Publishing, 2023