Rasulova Munisa Bakhtiyar kizi

Rasulova Munisa Bakhtiyar kizi

Assistant professor

Address: 100109, Tashkent sh. Farobi street 2,

Phone: (+99890)

E- mail:munisarasulovatma@mail.ru

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2009-2016- Student of the Tashkent Medical Academy of Treatment faculty
2017-2020 – Master of the Department of Neurology of the Tashkent Medical Academy


07.12.2016-09.02.2016 – general doctor 43-family clinic  of Shaykhantokhur district of Tashkent
1.05.2020.-31.01.2021”room manager” department of neurology, medical psychology with a course of psychotherapy of the Tashkent Medical Academy
1.02.2021-. Assistant professor  at the Department of Neurology and Medical Psychology, Tashkent Medical Academy

Main directions of scientific activities:

Main field of practice:

 Main scientific direction:

  • Assessment of speech disorders in strokes, optimization of neurorehabilitation therapy


  • Winner of the competition “20 best startup projects of 2020” of the Ministry of Innovative Development of Uzbekistan with a prize of 75 million. (2021)
  • Winner of the badge of the Youth Academy of the Ministry of Innovative Development (2021).
  • 2nd place for the startup project “Logos” “Science Accelerator Technology 2.0” of the Ministry of Innovative Development and the Center for Advanced Technologies (2020)

Role in international societies: 

The main scientific works over the last 5 years:

Articles and abstracts:

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