The department was founded in 1920
The history of neurology in Uzbekistan is connected with Turkestan State University which was created in Tashkent, 1920. Professor M.L. Zakharchenko founded Department of Nervous Diseases and headed it until 1939. Professor M.L. Zakharchenko conducted research on angioneurology and introduced into neurology a specific clinical manifestation of cerebrovascular disease, which he called “Zakharchenko’s syndrome”. From 1940 to 1959 the department was headed by Professor L.Ya. Shargorodsky. He studied several diseases such as myopathy, polyneuritis, myelitis, optic nerve damage. L.Ya. Shargorodsky supervised 17 candidates of medical sciences. H.K. Salokhidinov, N.M. Majidov, F.T. Abdukhakimov and others are first uzbek neuropathologists among these candidates

In 1963-1985 and 1987-1999 the department was headed by Academic N.M. Majidov. He trained more than 50 candidates and doctors of science in the field of neurology during his scientific and pedagogical activity more than 30 years. In 1965 he defended his doctoral dissertation. His long-term studies was reflected in 26 monographs, 4 textbooks, 48 manuals and more than 500 scientific articles. Academic Majidov researched on Leptomeningitis of the cervical cavity, peripheral nerve damage, clinic and treatment of peripheral nervous system diseases” and wrote three-volume book “Preventive neurology”, and textbook “General neurology”. Academic N.M. Majidov headed the Republican Scientific Society of Neurologists during almost 40 years. He was the founder and editor-in-chief of the journal Neurology which was founded in 1998

In 1985-1987, the head of the department was Associate Professor S.N. Nuritdinov. During this years, great changes and successes had been achieved in educational process.
Professor M.M. Asadullayev has been the head of the department of neurology of the II Tashkent State Medical Institute from 1990 to 2005, and from 2005 to 2008 – head of the department of neurology of Tashkent Medical Academy. Professor M.M. Asadullayev has supervised 35 doctors of philosophy, including 6 doctors of medical sciences.
Professor M.M. Asadullayev has published 8 monographs, two textbooks, 32 manuals, 28 rationalization suggestion and 403 scientific articles. Currently, M.M. Asadullayev works as a professor of the department.
Professor H.M. Khalimova has worked as a professor at the Department of Neurology at Tashkent State Medical Institute from 1999 to 2005 and professor of the department of Neurology at Tashkent Medical Academy.

Prof. Khalimova is the author of more than 400 scientific articles and 40 textbooks. She has supervised 4 doctors of sciences and 10 doctors of philosophy. Professor Khalimova has been recognized by foreign scientists, and her scientific articles have been published in many countries of the world, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Malaysia, Philippines, Germany, Austria, Greece, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, France, Romania, Czech Republic, Spain and the USA, and also attended with oral presentations at numerous international conferences. Professor Kh.M.Khalimova has awarded many state awards, including Shuhrat medal in 1995.
Prof. S.N. Aslanova has worked as a head of Neurology department for several months in 2008. . Professor S.N. Aslanova is a highly qualified neurologist and has published 148 scientific papers

Professor Khalimova has been recognized by foreign scientists, and her scientific articles have been published in many countries of the world, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Malaysia, Philippines, Germany, Austria, Greece, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, France, Romania, Czech Republic, Spain and the USA, and also attended with oral presentations at numerous international conferences. Professor Kh.M.Khalimova has awarded many state awards, including Shuhrat medal in 1995.
Prof. S.N. Aslanova has worked as a head of Neurology department for several months in 2008. . Professor S.N. Aslanova is a highly qualified neurologist and has published 148 scientific papers

She has published 1 textbook, 13 manuals, 72 scientific articles in the Republic of Uzbekistan, CIS countries and abroad. Professor S.N. Aslanova supervised two candidates of sciences.
In November 2008, Professor G.S. Rakhimbayeva has been elected as a head of the Neurology Department of Tashkent Medical Academy, and she has been heading until this day. She is the member of the editorial board of “Nevrology” journal, Deputy Chairman of the Association of Neurologists of Uzbekistan, Vice President of the International League of Epilepsy (ILAE) in Uzbekistan, member of the International Academy of Neurologists (EAN) and World Stroke Organization (WSO).
Under the guidance of Professor G.S. Rakhimbayeva has developed main areas of modern neurology, such as the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular and inflammatory diseases of the nervous system, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, Binswanger’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Professor G.S. Rakhimbayeva supervised 7 Doctors of Science and 21 Doctors of Philosophy. Professor G.S. Rakhimbayeva has published more than 400 scientific articles in Uzbekistan and foreign countries. Moreover, She has written several textbooks such as “Nursing in Neurology”, “Neurology” and “Differential Diagnosis of Muscle Weakness Syndrome”, 4 monographs, etc. Besides that she is author of the electronic textbook “Nevrology” and 5 patents.
Under the guidance of Professor G.S. Rakhimbaeva, special attention is paid to clinical and experimental studies of morphological and biochemical changes in cerebral strokes, metabolic encephalopathies, meningoencephalitis, post-traumatic lesions of the central nervous system in adults and children. Currently Rakhimbaeva G.S. conducts research on neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, multiple sclerosis.
Under the leadership of G.S. Rakhimbayeva, the educational process takes place at two levels – teaching undergraduate and graduate students in neurology, medical psychology and medical genetics. At the Department of Neurology of the TMA, neurologists and medical psychologists are trained in clinical residency and master’s degree. The merits of Professor G.S. Rakhimbayeva have been noted, and she has awarded the badge and diploma “Excellent Health Worker” of the Ministry of Health in 2016
