Khalimova Khanifa Mukhsinovna

 Халимова Ханифа Мухсиновна

Surname: Halimova

Name: Hanifa

Middle name:Muhsinovna

Position: Professor of the Department of Neurology TMA.

1966-1972 – Student of the Tashkent Medical Institute

1972-1974 – Clinical intern of the Department of Neurology, Tashkent State Medical Institute.

1975-1979 – Doctor of the Department of Neurology, Tashkent State Medical Institute.

1979-1989 – Assistant of the Department of Neurology, Tashkent State Medical Institute.

In 1982 she defended her thesis on the topic “Clinic, diagnosis and some issues of predicting metastatic brain tumors.”

1990-1996 years – assistant professor of the Department of Neurology 1-Tashkent State Medical Institute.

In 1995 years she defended her doctoral thesis on the topic: “Metastatic brain tumors (clinical and immunological studies and CT).”

1996-1999 years – professor of the Department of Neurology 1-Tashkent State Medical Institute.

1999-2004 years – Head of the department of Neurology 1-Tashkent State Medical Institute.

2005 year – professor of the Department of Neurology TMA.

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