Educational work at the department among the teaching staff and students was carried out on the basis of the ideas of national independence.
In each of the training groups, conversations were held on various topics on education and spirituality. Also, the spiritual hours were discussed every Friday with the staff and students of the department on a topic determined by the Department of Education and Spirituality of the TMA.
From the staff of the department, 10 people were appointed, of which 4 people for undergraduate students (Assistant Kalandarova S.K., Ass.Ibadova B., Ass. Yusuphodzhaeva S., Gafurova S.) and 7 people for undergraduates (Prof. Yakubova M. M., associate professors Musaeva Yu.A. and Tuychiboeva N.M., ass. Jalilova S.Kh., Mukhamadzhanova N., Shermukhamedova F.K., Ataniezova M.K.). They worked actively with students throughout the year. It can be seen that HumoArena is an important factor in the development of winter sports in the country, to increase interest in sports among students and make their leisure time more significant. Round tables and discussions on various topics were held in student dormitories, schools, makhallas. Took part in the festive events “Trainer’s Day”, “Sports Holiday”, organized by the Academy. Also, the staff of the department invited labor veterans to the department and presented them with gifts.
The following activities were carried out
1. In honor of the 28th anniversary of Independence, a round table was held in each group on the topic “Live, my Uzbekistan, be eternal”, as well as conversations and discussions with students of the 501, 502 groups of the medical faculty on the topics: “What independence gave us” ( 09/04/2019), “Youth is the future of the country”, “My Motherland is my pride” (09/20/2019). All employees of the department and students of the group took part in it.

2. In connection with the Day of Teachers and Mentors, a meeting and conversation with the professors of the department “My teacher is the bright ray of my life” (04.10.19) was held.

3. Based on the study of state youth policy on 08.11.2019 by Professor Khalimova Kh.M. a round table was held on the topic “Education of youth in the spirit of patriotism and prevention of factors that negatively affect the spiritual atmosphere of students.
“02/25/2020 A round table was held by the assistant of the Department of Neurology of the TMA Parpieva Yu.R., associate professor Rakhmatullaeva G.K., associate professor Rashidova N.S., Kholmuratova B.N. with the participation of a 6th grade teacher from school no. Tadzhieva S.Sh.
Creative activity in spiritual, moral and educational work
02/10/2019 in the hostel No. 4 Associate Professor Ishodzhaeva G.T. held an event together with students on the topic “Disorders of memory and attention.”
01/12/2019 in the hostel No. 4 Associate Professor Kuranbaeva S.R. held an event together with students on the topic “The impact and complications of HIV on the central nervous system.”
Attended by: associate professor Kuranbaeva S.R., professor Rakhimbaeva G.S., F.Kh. Muratov, Kalandarova S.Kh., Tolibov D.S.

4. A round table was held on the topic “Museums – our history and unique culture”. Attended by: Assistant Kalandarova S.K., Assistant Ibadova B., Assistant Yusupkhodzhaeva S., Gafurova S., Professor Yakubova M.M., associate professors Musaeva Yu.A., Tuychiboeva N.M., assistant Jalilova S.Kh., Mukhamadzhanova N., Shermukhamedova F.K., Ataniyazova M.K.
During the year, the museums of the city were visited by professors, teachers with their groups and undergraduates.

5. An event with a foreign scientist with the participation of employees of the department, masters and students of the 506, 508 groups of the medical faculty.

6. Round table on the topic “The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan – the legal basis of our independent development”, dedicated to the Constitution Day, with each employee and a group of students.
7. On January 14, on the occasion of the Defender of the Fatherland Day, the teachers held talks with the students of the group on the topic “We will be the wing of our Motherland” and visited the Museum of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
8. Associate professor Azizova RB events were held with students on the topics “Healthy lifestyle”, “Drugs are poison”, “Smoking is poison”.

9. An event with the participation of pupils of primary and secondary classes of secondary school No. 3 of Zangiot district in order to popularize reading among young people.
March 13, 2020 Associate Professor Rasulova D.K. with undergraduates took part in the startup competition of the Tashkent Medical Academy.

Assistant to Shermukhamedova F.K., associate professor Rasulova D.K. and masters took part in the conference “Let’s fight” dedicated to Youth Day.

Under the guidance of prof. Rakhimbaeva G.S., prof. Yakubova M.M., associate professor Rasulova D.K. passed the stage of the Department of the Student Scientific Society in 2019-2020. At the end of the event, a 2-year student of the medical faculty Yunusova Mavzoda was recommended for the next stage.

Assistant of the department Shermukhamedova F.K. On February 9 and February 17, events were organized on the themes “Birthday of Alisher Navoi” and “Birthday of Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur”.
Every Wednesday, throughout the year, the staff of the department took part in the “Spiritual Clock” organized by the Department of Spirituality and Education of the Academy, and studied the topics among the staff and students raised in the “Spiritual Clock”. The weekly news was also commented during the spiritual hours.