February 23, 2021 The winners of the first stage of the student scientific society of the Department of Neurology, Psychology with a course of psychotherapy were determined
With a welcoming speech, the society was opened by the chairman, Professor G.S. Rakhimbaeva, who emphasized the importance of new information and knowledge in the field of neurology, introduced those present to the conference participants, as well as the conditions of the competition (the report will be 7 minutes long, and 3 minutes are given for discussion ). I wished each participant good luck and success in the upcoming reports on the scientific work done.
10 participants listened, all the reports were very interesting and very informative, the presentations were bright, colorful and the latest technologies were used in creating slides.
But different from all others, the work of three students who paid special attention to the collection of material and data for scientific work, the design of the slides, and most importantly, they were able to show the scientific novelty of their work.
I-place to award the student Abzalova Mukhsina honey Ped 501-gr Head prof. Muratov F.Kh., and Yunusova Mavzoda, student of the 301-gr medical faculty, head Assoc. Rasulova D.K.
II place to be awarded to students of Karimova Rakhshona 301-gr. Lech fac. Head: ass. Jalilova SH
All participants were awarded with certificates.
We wish all the winners success in the further stages.