Dear colleagues!
The Association of Neurologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Department of Nervous Diseases of KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov invites you to take part in the XXIIIth scientific and practical conference with international participation “Actual problems of clinical, experimental neurology, neurosurgery, neurophysiology”, which will be held in Almaty (Republic of Kazakhstan) May 27-28, 2022.
For more than 2 decades, the conference has been an arena for active communication between specialists, a unique opportunity for the exchange of experience, a platform for heated debates and discussions.
Kazakh doctors have vast experience, traditions, the latest technical and intellectual base, which allows them to achieve the highest performance in all areas of medicine. Acquaintance with this model of healthcare is of interest both for teachers of medical universities and for practical healthcare workers.
Leading domestic and foreign experts in various fields of neurology and related specialties will talk about the latest methods for diagnosing and treating neurological diseases, introduce modern technologies in the field of functional diagnostics, present the latest developments in the field of rehabilitation and share invaluable research experience.
Scientific directions
• Innovations in the diagnosis and treatment of cerebral and spinal strokes;
• Demyelinating diseases of the nervous system;
• Parkinsonism and parkinsonian syndromes;
• Vascular and degenerative dementias;
• The problem of pain;
• Epilepsy;
• Neurorehabilitation;
• Neuroinfections;
• Questions of psychoneurology. Neuroses, asthenic conditions; Tics and sleep disturbances;
• Neuroimaging. Problems and prospects;
• Neurooncology;
• Neurological aspects of internal medicine;
• Age aspects of neurology;
• Clinical trials of new drugs in neurology;
• Fundamental and experimental research.
• Actual problems of pediatric neurology
• Hereditary and neuromuscular diseases
• Injuries of the brain and spinal cord and their consequences
• Dizziness and imbalance
School of Young Scientists
For authors under the age of 35, participation in the satellite symposium “School of Young Scientists” is available. To do this, when registering and submitting an application for a report, it is necessary to additionally note “School of Young Scientists” in the subject line of the letter. All applications will be considered by the organizing committee. All authors who spoke at the section are awarded with commemorative certificates, and those who take 1-3 places are awarded with appropriate diplomas and small memorable gifts.
Forms of participation in the conference:
• Participation + publication,
• Participation + publication + report,
• Participation + report,
• participation as a listener
Participation in the conference
For any form of participation in the conference, you must:
• fill in the registration card-application of the participant
• send it to the organizing committee by e-mail (listed below).
• to participate in the “School of Young Scientists” competition, send the participant’s registration card-application to
After sending the registration card, the organizing committee will definitely send you a confirmation of registration. Only those who have received confirmation are considered registered participants.
Registration of participants is carried out until April 30, 2022.
Conference language – Kazakh, Russian, English
Conference materials (articles) will be published in the scientific and practical journal “Bulletin of KazNMU” (the deadline for submission of materials is 30.04.22). Articles should be sent to the address of the organizing committee.
Requirements for publications here
!!! IMPORTANT: when submitting an article, you must strictly follow the editorial requirements of the journal. All copyright materials sent for publication in the journal must be prepared in accordance with the specified requirements. Manuscripts that do not have the appropriate design are not accepted for consideration.
Address and telephone number for information:
050012 Almaty, KazNMU, Tole bi street 94
Department of Nervous Diseases Tel. 8 (727) -221-75-86
Contact coordinates of the organizing committee:
President of the NGO “Association of Neurologists” Professor, MD Nurguzhaev Erkyn Smagulovich – worker. tel: 8 (727) -221-75-86; mob.+7701-355-51-12; e-mail:
Turuspekova Saule Tleubergenovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Nervous Diseases – mob. +7705-666-77-55; e-mail:
Nurzhanova Roza Baltabaevna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases – mob. +7777-371-95-31; e-mail:
Mukhambetova Gulnar Amerzaevna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases – mob. +7708-310-66-17;”School of young scientists”-responsible secretary
Demesinova Bayan Kosbolovna, Assistant of the Department of Nervous Diseases – mob. + 7705 142 09 60; e-mail: executive secretary
President of the NGO “Association of Neurologists”
professor, d.m.s. E.S.Nurguzhaev
Registration card-application of the participant
FULL NAME. Participation with the report Participation with
publication Participation without
report Participant-listener
Place of work
Academic degree
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